Friday, April 25, 2008

Come play with me.

I just joined Twitter. Why? So I could follow the bunnies. But since I'm on there, might as well make more use out of it.

Do any of you have Twitter?

By the way, I already found some of you through the 20sb twitter site, so if you are wondering who the random person following you is, it's me.


Anonymous said...

yep... my sn on there is redshrt04!

Um... Yum! said...

Cool beans! I just sent a request to follow you. :o)

Alya said...

i don't know what its about really..

JUST ME said...

Twitter just saved some dude's life in Egypt...

Perhaps as a safety precaution we should all join??!

Um... Yum! said...

Alya, it's like the status updates on facebook, only more constant and you see all of them. That was a very bad description. They have a video about it on the twitter site. :o)

Just Me, I can't imagine how it could save lives. That's interesting. But yes, we should all join!

Anonymous said...

i gots twitter :)

sn: missheici

Jamie Lovely said...

I'm jamielovely on twitter :)

Um... Yum! said...

I added both of you! :o)