I decided to also schedule a hair appointment because I've reached my limit. It must go! Too many split ends, and last night on my way to Girls' Night Out with Heidi and Magda, my hair got caught in my purse straps like always, but this time it really got caught and almost ripped out a chunk. (By the way, Girls' Night Out was a lot of fun despite the alcohol being terrible and the vendors being disappointing, but I did buy a cute dress and got to hang out with some fabulous new friends!)
I went to the salon's website to see if it mentioned Locks of Love. It didn't. I wasn't surprised. Then I decided to venture over to the Locks of Love website.
I knew that you can't donate bleached hair, but when I donated my hair a few years ago, a chunk of it was bleached (and green to boot), but the stylist said it was ok. I think it was probably ok because the majority of hairs weren't bleached, whereas this time I don't think it would be ok because almost all of my hairs are bleached (at the ends...from bleaching a year ago and chopping not quite all of the bleached part off).
So I decided, I need to get rid of the bleached ends and then wait another few months before donating my hair. Oh, but I'm not about to pay for a damn hair cut. I haven't done that in years! The last few times I have cut my own hair, and either I'm really good at it or people just don't have the heart to tell me how stupid my hair looks.
Well, after work today, I whipped out my trusty (kinda rusty) scissors and started hacking away.
Of course I took the obligatory before and after pictures.
I have to say that I didn't mean for them to turn out so cliche. I was actually planning on making a very glamorous "before" picture and a really busted up "after" picture to be funny, but I just didn't have time for that. When I get it in me to cut my hair, I do it! But anyway, yeah, my hair was up in a messy bun while I was at work which is why my hair looks like a penis.

The last time I chopped a lot of hair off, I decided I didn't want layers anymore, but the bleached parts were there in layers, so by eliminating them it was either cut my hair really short or cut it in layers. I chose layers. It still took out a good amount of hair.

Doesn't it look like a person is drowning in my sink? And since it's my hair, to me it looks like I'm the one drowning. Kind of creepy actually....And now the after picture!

Still needs a little tweaking, but I think I got it pretty even. The top layers I cut too short, so my hair looked like a muffin, but I'm hoping that's just from hair shock and will go away.
On a completely unrelated note, why it is when I go to wordpress.com, all it says is "It works!"?
the cut suits you. I am definitely diggin' it!
It looks great! Brilliant job!
Nice! I'm impressed. I've never been brave enough to cut my own hair, and usually end up surrendering preposterous sums for substandard cuts at so-called "salons." The worst part? I usually leave a really good tip anyway. I've got to get better about that.
Wow, that is gorgeous! I would never dare cut my own mop, it would look horrendous :-o
Love your hair color btw.
Thanks, everybody! :o)
Magda, I've been cutting my hair since I was 14. lol You should see my bangs in my freshman yearbook picture. Messy like crazy. I have no idea why I thought they looked good!
Technodoll, thanks, my hair is naturally black, and it hasn't been completely black in ten years. Side anecdote, two years ago I tried dying it all back to black, it looked really unnatural for some reason, but then it washed out and my hair was even lighter than before I dyed it. I have many hair stories. :o)
Wow! You cut your own hair??? I'm so impressed. If I tried to do that to myself I would end up with an Edward Scissorhand's do.
It's looks MUCH better shorter...which is still really long!
Dolce, thanks! Now are we talking Edward Scissorhands's own hair or the hair he styled for others? Because I thought his own hair was pretty nice. :o)
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