Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dear, Jimmy Eat World, please don't co-headline tours. I prefer you alone. Love, your #1 crazy

At the Sonar show, people didn't really start showing up until an hour before doors opened, so I thought this time I'd be alright. I completely forgot I was also dealing with Paramore fans, so when I showed up an hour and a half early, there was a huge line. Boo!

Deutlich showed up and held our spot in line while I went on a little adventure to find a bathroom. Excitement ensued.

When we got inside, there was a bunch of people already at the front. We stood off to the right about three rows back. All was fine and dandy, until the whole crowd pushed forward. Then when the opening band Dear and the Headlights came on (they were really good by the way), this fucking jackass started pushing the crowd in front of him, basically throwing his body weight on everyone thinking they would magically disappear if he did so, at least that is the only conclusion I can reach because this guy obviously doesn't understand the laws of physics...or being a decent human being. These were Paramore fans, i.e. small, young girls. He did it again a few songs later, and I had enough of this asshole. If I had something sharp, I would have done something. I really think my violent actions would have been justified. Protecting children of the female gender seems to be quite high on the "must protect" list considering people always say "women and children first". So yeah, that guy needed to be taken out.

Deut and I decided to leave the front because it wasn't worth it. We figured the Paramore fans would go away after their set, and then we could ease our way to the front for Jimmy Eat World. We got something to drink, found the smoking area, went to the restroom, and I bought a t-shirt and hoodie. Feeling refreshed near the end of Paramore's set, we decided to try to get to the front again. We were almost there. When Paramore finished, only a handful of people left. Not from the front. Assholes. After being sprayed with water (because apparently if you are hot and thirsty instead of drinking water, getting a shower is just as effective...right), I decided it wasn't worth being in the front again. I was squished and couldn't move my arms. I didn't think I could enjoy the concert in that fashion, so we squeezed our way out. I got a lot of boobage in my face somehow.

We found spots in the seating area and watched Jimmy Eat World from there. It was fantastic! They were great of course. They played a few songs that I hadn't heard live yet. Woo hoo! And I KNEW those freaking Paramore fans hadn't left because during a few songs, you could tell the crowd had never heard the song before. Motherfuckers. You should have left! Or at least stood in the back where you belong! JEW played "Here It Goes", and I was so disappointed that the crowd did not cut it to the left nor slide it to the right. Shitheads.

After the concert, we went around to the back where a few girls were. They were waiting to meet Paramore. A few more people showed up also wanting to meet Paramore. Then Rick showed up, and Deut asked me who it was, and when I realized who it was I started jumping up and down like an idiot screaming, "RICK!! RICK!!! HI, RICK!!!!" Then one of the Paramore fans turned to me and went, "Who is that?" I put my hand over my heart and gasped like she stabbed it or something. Oh, and those other Paramore fans started bogarting him and getting his autograph and pictures with him. THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE WAS!!!!!! They kept talking to him and shit. I should have taken them out as well. Then Penny showed up, who I know from the JEW message boards. She said she heard me screaming "Rick". He actually remembered Penny, which I thought was cool. I think I freaked him out though with my crazy fangirl greeting. I'm pretty sure he told the other guys not to come out because some psycho chick was outside. The other guys did not come over to greet us, which part of me is glad they didn't because of those stupid Paramore fans (though it would have been nice to have gotten Jim's autograph, since his is the only one I don't I have Rick's twice! I had to have him the sign the front because I didn't want him to know he already signed it). The Paramore fans chanted for Paramore to come out, and when they shut up, I alone started yelling, "JIM!!!!!!!! TOM!!!!!! ZACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tom and Zach did pass by at some point on their way to the bus. Tom waved. Zach ignored us. I screamed at him as well, "ZACH!!! I LOVE YOUR HAT!!!!!!!!"

Yeah. I'm an idiot.

Sorry I don't have pictures. I was too far away, and my camera just didn't understand.


B said...

I'm still embarrassed I didn't know Rick's name.

At least I knew he was part of Jimmy Eat World.

I mean.



Also? I have Chase This Light and didn't effin' realize it. You can imagine what I've been listening to all morning. I will not make the same mistake again. Next concert? I will know all songs.

I will.


Um... Yum! said...

Dude, at least you knew he was from JEW! Even after I screamed "RICK" those other people were like, "Huh?"

Here's a reason to learn all songs: at the 9:30 Club concert, I was singing and bopping along to EVERY song. When they threw the guitar picks into the audience, one of Jim's bounced off the front barrier and onto the floor. The security guard deliberately put his foot over it, as a few of us went, "Ooh! Can I have it?" I gave up thinking he would give it to the doof next to me, but he picked it up and handed it to me. :o) It's happened to other people. I think the security guards gauge who is the better fan by how they behave during the concert. hahaha

Technodoll said...

I don't know these bands but it sounds like you gals had a heady time, dumbass "fans" and all! I guess they gave you something to remember the evening by ;-)

B said...

dude. Security guards DO gauge that kinda thing. That's exactly what happened when I was front row @ Pink's concert in '02. I was given the drumstick because I was the ONLY one who knew all the words to everything.

Loved. It.

kolls said...

UH MUH GAH I love JEW. And now I have "Drugs or Me" stuck in my head, mixed with "Lucky Denver Mint." So random.

Um... Yum! said...

TA, have you heard the demo version of "Drugs or Me"? SO GOOD.