Hooray! Atonement won the Golden Globe for Best Picture (Drama)! As for the rest of the winners...whatever. Boo.
Also, I've been thinking...I should really change the name I use when making comments and entries (and on 20Somethings). Why? It always seems weird to me to type in "Um...Yum!" in the "name" field. What name has ellipses and an exclamation point? Um...mine! Also, I think of Annyong from "Arrested Development". "Hello." "Annyong!" Not that it's a bad thing.
- "Stick with Um...Yum! I think it's fun."
- "Stick with Um...Yum! It's too much effort to change, and I'll forget who you are."
- "Just change it to baconyum. I don't know why you just didn't use it in the first place."
- "Just change it to baconyum. Easy change, Better than Um...Yum!"
- "Just go with your real name for crying out loud!"
- "Really? Is this what you think about?"
Yes, it really is. I'm obsessed with names. Always have been. I changed livejournals so much, and each time I gave great thought to my new username. Same with e-mails. Even real names! It took me forever to decide what name to put on my acting headshot (I ended up going with my full name, middle name included). I wanted to go by my middle and last name for my photography, but it turns out it does bother me that people can't pronounce my middle name. I've come up with soooo many children's names over the years...since I was a child. I think that's why I want to have five, so I have a lot of them to name. I name everything: my stuffed animals, laptop, cameras, car, phones, etc. I even name other people's stuff. Although I haven't named body parts ever, but one time when I accidentally poured scolding hot cream of broccoli soup on my left hand and got a second degree burn (I should have sued), I named the gigantic blister that formed. His name was Benvolio...I think.
I don't know where my obsession with names came from. I try not be about labels (like putting labels on one's sexuality), though I guess in Astrology it's nothing but labels (Pisces!). In Wicca, they don't recognize the name for the Christian devil or recognize any name for evil because to name something is to give it power. A book I really like is Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. The title character goes through phases where she goes by a new name, whichever name she thinks is her at the time.
I really like names with the letter y. I'm glad I'm not a Silvia. Who needs two i's when you can have a y? Whenever I write stories, and one of the characters is kind of based on me, I give her a name with a y. The exception is when a name is extremely common and ends in a y; in which case, I like it better when it's spelled with an i. My laptop's name is Kennedi (yeah, that's not an extremely common name, but whatever).
I hate my last name. Half of Earth's population has my last name. I'm sure you can guess it now. I like my boyfriend's last name. It has a z in it, although I don't know quite how to pronounce it, and I don't think he does either. His first name though is almost as common as my last name. Well, maybe not. I think Mike, John, and David are way more common. Bible names. His is a Bible name, too.
I didn't think my name was that common, but then when I went to get my learner's permit, there were two other Sylvias at the DMV at the same time. There is someone in the same area as me with the same first and last name. If you google my first and last name, you will get many different people, and none of them are me...especially the blonde white porn chick...unfortunately.
(This was supposed to be a short entry about my del.icio.us account...but I'm a Pisces, and we go with the flow, and my flow is very wordy at the moment.)
Where did baconyum come from? My best friend whom I've known the longest IMed me once with, "You're an enigma wrapped in bacon." It's my favourite quote (because it's about me, describes me perfectly, and includes bacon...yum!). The title of my blog is a question, hence the enigma part. So there you go. I told you I put a lot of thought into names.
I'm also into Numerology, so I believe that what you name your baby matters. Also, the name you use in Numerology is the name that is on your birth certificate, so if they wrote "baby girl" or "baby boy" that is what you use because it will be more accurate than the name you got later. Then again, some Numerologists believe you go by the name you go by at the time, so if your name changes, you will, too. I don't really agree with that. I do agree with the birth certificate thing.
My friend Jenny is in my phone as Nifer because I said that there are too many Jens and Jennys (there were about five in the theater department at the time, although I think one of them was a Jennie, but that doesn't make a difference). How come nobody shortens it to Nifer? Kind of like guys who go by Topher, which makes me think of gophers.
Personally, I really like Um...yum! It's Fun!!! Seriously though, I understand the reasoning for change (I've changed mine as well), but it's unique and fits your writing.
ike your name but if your going to change use Bacony and maybe Um...yum! as your sub meta bellow your title.
ive only just got used to your name as i always did find it strange to see but i guess thats ag ood thing as you stand out :P
If I was you id stick with it, butI can see why you would like to change.
I think Um..yum! It's cute and fun!
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