It's almost my name. I need a "y", but the only way to do that is to get Splenda in my drink (Splenda packets are yellow, so it's marked with a "y"), but I don't want to do that. I could just mark the decaf with a "y". Hm...
Now you people who don't know me in real life know my name. Unless you can't sort it out.
It's stupid things like this that occupy most of my thoughts. Maybe that's why when I told my manager my Astrological sign she went, "It all makes sense now!" She wouldn't elaborate, but she's a Gemini, so I'm going to take it as a bad thing.
In a couple of hours it is back to Job #2. They sent me home early from Job #1 today because it was rather slow. That's alright. I'm starting to get irritated with that job because of the rude customers. I'm hoping it'll go back to normal now. When I started, the rudeness was few and far between, but right around Christmas people started getting really nasty (and some were really nice). I really like most of the people I work with, but I can't take this area. I have been working retail around here for too long (well, lived in the general area my whole life).
I (hopefully) will be taking a trip to California with Steph at the end of January. I've never been to California, but I have a feeling I will love it, which may pose a problem because if I love it too much and want to move there...my boyfriend refuses to live in California. He is so sure it's going to break off and fall into the ocean or something. But I am so done with the East Coast (have been since I was five). Fuck graduate school. I need a new plan. A plan to get the hell out. Maybe that should be my New Year's resolution: get a plan to get the hell out.
As for my other New Year's resolution...yeah, that lasted 24 hours. This cheese and fruit plate thingie we sell was all messed up when we got it (some grapes were sticking out, but everything else was fine), so I marked it out...and ate some of it. I should have went for the fruit and only the fruit, but when there's a big piece of cheese, tender yummy creamy cheesy goodness cheese, who in their right mind would eat a slice of apple? I don't even like apples! Oh, but cheese...I love cheese.
Worst. Veggie. Ever!
But I'll still try to stick with the no meat thing. And probably no egg as well. But there's too much dairy around me. Also, just to make excuses and make myself feel justified in supporting the cruel dairy industry, my blood type is B, and Bs thrive on dairy. (And just in case you're interested, Os are the meat eaters, As are the vegetarians, and ABs are a very selective weird mixture.)
This entry was much longer than I intended. My bad. Thanks for reading it!
1 comment:
It sounds like you're a Barista and I worked at Starbucks for THREE years back in the day when we still tamped our expresso shots individually. Gah. I remember how horrible some folks were and how great others were. Sorry you have to deal w/them too. Some people just suck ass. Happy New Year, though!
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