My boss just sent me an e-mail that said, "I don’t know about you guys, but things here are crusty and likely a bit slick. (And then there are the roads! Ha, ha... just a little joke there.)" That made me laugh. (Side note: I like having a job where it's not only ok if you say "fuck" a lot, but you're encouraged to do so as well.) So an entire week of no work at Job B. Bummer. My paycheck is going to be so skimpy. Boo. But then again, that's my fault. I could have done work from home, but I don't have my priorities straight, i.e. I'm lazy.
Inspired by my own opinionated ramblings and the blogs of Lee Doyle and Deutlich, I wrote a long ass entry about religion. I won't post it yet because I feel I need to give my blog a little R&R from the heavy topics.
I got my weekly Ticketmaster update, and it told me there are tickets available for the Doodlebops Live! And I had to ask, "What are Doodlebops?" Whatever they are, that is a bitchin' name. I googled them, and OMG I'm in love. Something you have to know about me to understand that is no joke, I also love the Teletubbies. I think they are adorable, and the show is so soothing. It enriches my soul. Except I can't stand the freaking Sun baby. That I could do without. But I heart Po.
Some of you might be thinking, 'How the hell can I take the political ramblings of a Teletubbies fan seriously?' I will not dignify that with an answer.
Also, I love SpongeBob.
P.S. I just discovered Google Analytics...I don't get it. How do I use it on blogger? *unhappy confused face*
EDIT: Oh, shit! Do I have to add the tracking code to every single one of my posts?? Or am I just dumb as a bucket of rocks?
EDIT DOS: Not dumb as a bucket of rocks but almost as slow.
I know Doodlebops all to well unfortunately. Oh the perks of being a nanny!
If I remember correctly, you have to add the code before the < /body > tag in your html. It's under templates. :) Just that one will do.
I like those pics up there. Nice job.I don't know a whole lot about Google analytics, by Lisa's advice seems sound to me.
jamie, I was like, they are perks! But then I realized, you probably have to watch shows like Barney, too, which is not fun at all.
lisa, thank you! Now I feel really dumb, but at least I finally got it right. :o)
smiler, thank you! :o)
Definitely not on every post. Just putting it in the main template is enough ;)
btw, apparently it's supposed to snow again tomorrow.
I know, but not as much as the day before yesterday. I hope.
Just add the code to your footer. that way it will load with every page.
If you need any help with anything just ask, i dont mind.
Love your images :D
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