Tuesday, January 15, 2008

PSA: Attention drivers...


If you are in a turn only lane, you best be turning and not going straight. First of all, it is illegal to switch lanes at an intersection, so you are breaking the law. Second, you aren't supposed to be getting into my lane, so back off or you might cause a collision, and I will not be happy. If you somehow are in the turn only lane but shouldn't be (hey, I do this, too, so I understand), please correct your mistake by turning anyway, or use your turn signal to indicate that you had a temporary lapse of idiocy and would like to amend that and can I please let you in my lane. I will gladly let you merge into my lane. Thank you for being polite and using your turn signal and not just wandering into my lane trying to cut me off. You never know when you will get me on a bad day where I may throw caution to the wind and actually use the bat that is in the trunk of my car. If you for some reason don't know what the arrows mean or how to follow them, cut up your license and promptly return to kindergarten and get educated, you stupid shit.

Thank you kindly.


Get Me an Entertainment Job said...

i had some guy change lanes in front of me when the light turned green IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION. People are just asking for an accident!!!

LN Jonesy said...

the bat in the truck instigated laughter.
and i love the instigation of laughter while ranting about dumbasses that can't drive.

god bless you.

-crawling the carpet