Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Whimsical Question #3

Q: Let's say there was a person who had the ability to destroy the whole planet in an instant. Do you think that person should be killed?

What if this person had a truly good heart and probably wouldn't use his or her power?

What if this person was you?


Technodoll said...

well, "probably" isn't good enough... sacrifice one to save all the others, sure why not?

just make it painless, please :-D

Britni said...

This kind of reminds me of Milo's character in Heroes. It depends on if they have control over the power to kill everyone. If they had control over their power, then sure let everyone live. If they couldn't control it (like in Heroes) then maybe kill them.

Um... Yum! said...

Hm...I should have been a little clearer. They definitely have control over it. It's not like they can use it accidentally.

I also should have been clearer about the "probably". I was thinking like, what if they were like Jesus and Mother Theresa and Ghandi and etc. combined? The probably is slight, but it's still there. Highly improbable but possible.

Pixelation said...

I wouldn't whack the guy. If he's as nice as you say he is, I say, "what's the harm?" If not, I say, "Who cares?"