I haven't even watched last night's episode yet!!! Oh, but I know all about it.
So my fave (my second fave of the whole series) was eliminated last night. Why? Because ANTM is a JOKE!! It always has been! Why do I continue to watch it? (Hm...why do people do things they know aren't good for them but have to anyway?...) I'm definitely addicted to this show, but for the rest of the season, I will watch with complete resentment (and hopes that Anya wins).
I've been meaning to do a whole ANTM post, and since I'm already on the subject, I'll go ahead.
Let me first review my favourites from each cycle:
Cycle 1: Elyse Sewell, 3rd place, called out first both weeks right before being eliminated, bottom 2: 1x before
Cycle 2: April Wilkner, 4th place, called out first 2x, bottom 2: never before elimination
Cycle 3: Nicole Borud, 6th place, called out first the week before being eliminated, bottom 2: never before elimination
Cycle 4: Rebecca Epley, tied for 8th place, called out first 2x, bottom 2: week before being eliminated
Cycle 5: Cassandra Whitehead, 11th place (quit), called out first 2x, bottom 2: never
Cycle 6: I totally need to watch this Cycle again because everyone was unremarkable, so I don't know
Cycle 7: Brooke Miller, 8th place, called out first the week before being eliminated, bottom 2: never before elimination
Cycle 8: Renee Alway, 3rd place, called out first 2x: once was the week right before being eliminated, bottom 2: never before elimination
Cycle 9: Heather Kuzmich, 5th place, called out first 1x, bottom 2: week before being eliminated
Cycle 10: Katarzyna Dolinska, 5th place, called out first never, bottom 2: never before being eliminated
*Also, I should add that for Cycle 4 I had a second fave, Naima, and she won, and in Cycle 5 my second fave was Nicole, and she won as well. But I must say, they seem to get the most criticism of all the winners, but I still like them.
Anyway, the two contestants I still feel angry about their eliminations are Nicole and Brooke. Both of them were called out first the week before! And neither had been in the bottom two before! Suddenly they get eliminated? If you watch the episodes, it's so clear it was totally set up and all for ratings. Complete bullshit.
That's how I knew Katarzyna was going to have a bullshit elimination. She was my fave, and just like Nicole and Brooke, she was completely sweet and beautiful. I was just waiting for the day they would finally have that teeny reason they could cut her from the show. Of course the reason was stupid. Obviously it had to have been. They just wanted to get rid of her. They kept Fatima that one week she didn't do the shoot saying she had a strong portfolio. But then they have one criticism of Kat's picture and they axe her? WTF?! She has a much stronger portfolio than Fatima and definitely stronger than Whitney's (who was in the bottom two with her), so that is such a bunch of crap.
Elyse's elimination was bullshit, especially since she was the best and proved to be afterwards. She obviously wanted to be in the competition or she wouldn't have lasted the long!
April's elimination was bullshit. Who would have thought they would criticize someone for working TOO hard?
Rebecca should have lasted longer. Period.
Cassandra wasn't eliminated. I would have loved if she had stayed longer, but I'm sure her elimination would have been bullshit as well, so it's probably better she left.
Renee's was clearly bullshit because her commercial and picture were better than the other two's by far! They eliminated her saying she looked too old. Um...she obviously didn't age THAT much over the course of a couple months. Also...Robynne, Jade, Dominique. The defense rests.
Heather...oh, Heather...I don't even have to explain that one.
Why do my faves always become victims? I mean, a lot of girls I like get eliminated obviously because there can only be one winner. But I would say half the time the right person is cut. For example, I love love loved Toccara, but they definitely sucked the spirit out of her, so I can understand why she was cut. Same thing for Jael. It's a soul-sucking competition. So I'm not angry just because someone is my favourite and they are cut. I get angry because they were wronged!!!
My predictions for who will win Cycle 10?
My best friend and her friends would watch Cycle 9 and make fun of Jaslene's "My Life as a CoverGirl" spots. They made fun of the way she talked, which was very annoying. Saleisha is annoying, too. So based on this trend, I think the winner would most likely be Anya. I don't think Anya is annoying, but it would be easiest to make fun of her commercials. It has to be Anya or Whitney. I am so sure of this. I liked Whitney at the beginning of the Cycle, but now I like Anya more. I hope it becomes a battle of the super-bleached blondes. DoMANique needs to go, and Fatima? Well...she is no Iman, and she is certainly not CoverGirl material. Actually, that last part wasn't to be insulting. I think her look just wouldn't sell make-up. She would be better suited for magazine editorials with the type of high fashion that no one understands but many pretend to. You know, like with big hats.
I'm going with Anya because Whitney's Covergirl commercial was just fake and annoying to watch.
If Anya doesn't win. I swear I will never watch this show again. Anya is super annoying but still the best. Ugh. I hate this cycle.
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