Monday, May 19, 2008

Laughter is the best...exercise plan?

I never thought I would ever be one to say, "Oh, man, I'm getting fat," and actually be serious. I'm definitely being a drama queen here, but I've always been really thin and trying to gain weight so I don't blow away (for reals. That is my actual reason!). My plan didn't quite work out. After years of overeating and not gaining weight, I decided, whatever, I'm ok with who I am. Apparently I'm not! Because over the last couple of years (mostly in the last year), I have been getting quite a gut. I really do look like I'm four months pregnant after I eat. TMI. Whatever.

It's all going to the one place I don't want it to go! Please, fatty tissue, find your way to my ass thanks.

The thing is, I've been trying to exercise some self-control. I'm definitely not overeating anymore, so why the gut?

And then today it hit me.

During college I realized that even though I didn't exercise, I got my work out from everyday things. Mostly I think I kept the weight off because I'm a leg shaker, I sneeze a lot, and I laugh like there's no tomorrow. You'd be surprised at how flat you can keep your stomach by sneezing and laughing. It may sound ridiculous, but you contract your abs when sneezing and sometimes when laughing.

Well, I'm still sneezing, but it occurred to me, I don't laugh as much.

I used to call it my daily dose of laughter, and if I didn't get it, I would seek it out. Over the last year, the phrase "daily dose of laughter" never even entered my mind. It only hit me today that I have definitely not been getting it. I still laugh but not nearly as much as I used to. Where did the laughter go? Is this all a part of the quarter life crisis I thought I had when I was 22? Am I still having it but am in such great denial it took a chubby tummy to wake me up?

When did I get so lazy?? I mean, I've always been a slacker, but somehow my work always got done, but now, I reason myself into not doing things. Like right now I should be doing some job hunting.

You know what? I'll go do that. This is ridiculous. I'm ridiculous. This entry is ridiculous.


Britni said...

Hmm this reminds me I probably should start laughing and working out more. I really don't laugh every day anymore either, and it's pretty sad.

Technodoll said...

No it's not ridiculous at all, quit that.

It makes perfect sense, and I concur. That and slowing metabolisms, eh? Yep, age marches on - I grew hips at 26, FFS. 26.

How to make Um Yum laugh now... *scratches head in deep thought*

Um... Yum! said...

PP, that sucks to know I'm not the only one. Perhaps it's not us. Perhaps the whole world is just lacking laughter these days.

Tech, one time I went to a doctor who tested me for diabetes, but she was really bitchy and was like, "You probably just have a high metabolism. Be grateful for that. It'll probably stop when you're 22." Crazy bitch was almost right. Stopped when I was 24. And it's actually really easy to make me laugh...which makes the whole situation even worse.