Monday, May 5, 2008

Movie Monday: Past, Present, and Future


Yesterday I watched the new movie Baby Mama. It was really funny. A movie like that usually has me laughing, smiling, and rolling my eyes at how cliche it is, but this one didn't make me do that at all (well, it had me laughing and smiling but not rolling my eyes). Sure it probably is cliche. What modern movie isn't? But I was very engaged in the story from beginning to end that I didn't separate myself long enough to go, "Oh, please." It's a really cute movie. All of my female readers will love it (ok, maybe one or two of you won't LOVE it per say). I don't know about the guys. Oh, and bonus: Greg Kinnear. Hello? Love him!


At this very moment I sent P² on a mission to pick out twelve movies, and I have to pick one of them for us to watch tonight. I told him I can't say no to all of them, BUT three of the ones he picks cannot be horror, sci-fi, or drama. He will probably be in his office forever because that's usually all he ever suggests. By the way, the guy has over 2,000 dvds. He archived them, so that's how I know.


The movie that is currently in theaters right now that I most want to see but haven't seen yet is Deception. Ewan McGregor (yum!) was on Leno the other night. It was magical. Hopefully by next Movie Monday, I will have seen this movie, so I can report on all the sexxy goodness.


B said...

I want to see Baby mama SOOOO BADLY! But I'm waiting for it to come out on redbox. Because.. yes.

Other than that? I totally agree with the Ewan McGregor synopsis. HE IS FINE.

Dolce said...

I'm not sure about Baby Mama, I REALLY like Tina Fey, but I think it looks stupid, like Booty Call.

Technodoll said...

mmmm Ewan McYummers! Need I say more?

So which movie did you end up watching?

(I'm loving this theme btw!)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Deception! Hugh Jackman? So HOTT!

Um... Yum! said...

Deut, there is no such thing as a bad Ewan McGregor movie because a movie is good just for having him in it. :o)

Dolce, I never saw Booty Call so I wouldn't know.

Tech, We ended up watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, though we still need to finish because I was falling asleep near the end. hahah

Meg, oooh! I forgot to mention the hotness that is Hugh Jackman. Thank you for reminding me. I love him, too. :o)

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

I NEED TO SEE IT! I have such a girl crush on Tina Fey. I'm sure wed be best friends tina and i.