So my ideal job apparently has to have the following (in this order):
- Good people to work with
- Flexible hours
- Good pay
- Great benefits
- A variety of things to do
- Creative tasks
- Something that requires organizing
- Autonomy
- Free stuff
- Maybe work with children.
That last one I threw in there because at a photography job I had, I really enjoyed working with the little ones. Many of them were adorable. Even the ones that were monsters, it was somewhat fun to take their pictures (especially since their parents were the most impressed if I got ANY kind of picture).
Even though flexible hours is number two, I don't mind having the whole 9-5 M-F type schedule. I would just need a company that isn't so rigid with sick days or something like that because, well, shit happens, and there needs to be enough flexibility in this world to allow a person to convalesce!
I should go through and pinpoint everything I didn't like about each job, but I could just tell you now number one would be an asshole boss. Most of my jobs I have quit because of bad managers. If someone on your level is annoying, that's easier to tolerate, but when it's the person barking orders at you,
How come companies can't just advertise things like "We're like a family! Come be a part of it!" or "Work here if you can tolerate shitheads!" It would make things so much easier. Plus, I'm sure many people would apply to the shithead company as long as the pay was good. I on the other hand would take a pay cut if it meant working with great people.
People could say I have a bad work ethic because I jump from company to company and don't tolerate stupidity but rather value having fun at work, but to them I say, "Blblblblblblbl!" Life is too short and meaningless to waste working with asshats.
Today I took my mom out to lunch for mother's day. Unfortunately she invited my brother along. What was I supposed to say to him? "Pay for your own damn self!" No. I don't like to be rude. While at the restaurant, I told my mom that I was looking for a new job because I'm not going to work for someone who yells at me for no reason. Then of course my brother had to chime in, "UmYum, what kind of job doesn't have a boss who will yell at you for no reason?" I told him basically to stuff it. He's always saying crap like that. He's so negative and condescending. Fine, believe in what you want, but I have had plenty of jobs where my boss was just fabulous, and even the bosses who weren't fabulous didn't fucking yell at me. Obviously I'm not going to take further advice from someone whose last advice cost me $400.
I think it's admirable that you're doing what suits you best. Seriously? This life is too short to waste on stuff that is uncomfortable or not the right fit.
Holy cow... My job fits the first 9 criteria. Seriously. You should come work here!
Every day I am so very thankful though and don't take it for granted, it's a big scary world out there and the thought of looking for another job scares the beejeebus out of me!
I think you're super brave for not settling - yay! You WILL find that perfect job, they do exist.
Will send you some good job joojoo :-D
Deut, true dat.
Tech, really? What kind of job do you have? And where can I sign up? :o) But seriously, what kind of job do you have?
I completely agree that people make a great job... but if I could have a job with great people that pays well and gave me a lot of vacation time, that would make me happy too. Hence the job search for me as well.
I'm so bummed on jobs that I honestly looked at your list and thought, "Dream jobs don't exist". Then TD said she had one.
I wish you luck!
I work in sales (some direct, mostly channel) for a 3D software company... I can work from home when I want, there are no dress codes, my boss is in another city and I get to attend tradeshows twice a year so partaaay! This place is more like family than work... I know how lucky I am.
That's awesome. I wish my boss was in another city. hahaha
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