Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Pi Day!

Here on the East Coast of the United States, it is after midnight; therefore, it is officially Pi Day. Instead of making an entry about the delicious baked pastry, I'm going to be a total nerd and discuss math. Yes, math.

Apparently when I was really little, maybe like four or five, my dad randomly asked me what nine plus five is, and immediately I said fourteen. He asked me how I got the answer so quickly (without having to write anything down). I said that nine is one less than ten, and five is one more than four, and ten plus four (which is easy to add in your head) is fourteen. I know, such a roundabout way of coming up with the sum of two numbers, but this showed my dad I have a weird knack for math.

In high school, my friend and I tried to start a math club. It didn't happen. Not enough interest from other students.

I would have been a math major in college if it hadn't been for AP Calculus my senior year of high school. That shit was boring. It was the same formula with different values over and over. Zzzz.

AP Calculus was the only AP test I got a three on. My other three AP tests I got a two. Math was the only subject that required a four for credit. All the others only needed a three. Boo.

In addition to Astrology, I love Numerology. Ok, that's not math, but it's numbers.

I set my clock about 25 minutes fast, so every morning I wake up having to do some mathematical calculations in my head in order to determine how many more times I can hit the snooze button. I thought having to do math would wake me up a little bit, but it has become second nature.

People say they like math because you can't argue math solutions. On an extra credit problem on a quiz I had in Pre-Calculus, I actually did argue my answer...though to be fair it had nothing to do with math, but we argued about farms. Let's just say I made it a goal to have a dog farm, build a circular fence around it, and fly my teacher in a helicopter over it and be like, "See?! There are circular fences on farms! I was right! You were wrong! In your face! I am the queen of functions!!!" And then I would reflect on my sorry life and jump out of the helicopter because I just said "queen of functions".


Roland Hulme said...

I am the total opposite! I'm a writer and while I can do great things with words, I am USELESS with numbers.

I'm constantly flumuxed by totally simple additions and subtractions.

Michelle and the City said...

i do the exact same thing in the morning with my alarm clock. or usually the night before i'll be like, i can set it for 6 and that gives me the chance to hit snooze 3 times :)

B said...

That is EXACTLY how I would add numbers. Seriously, it's a bit uncanny.

Alya said...

little did i know that i read the blog of a math geek..

but seriously though, good for u! I'm ok with numbers, but i HATED MATH in school.

Did u ever take trigonometry? that was the ultimate snooze-fest!!

Um... Yum! said...

That's what was boring about AP Calculus, the trig part. Trig turned me off of math. lol