I'll try not to spoil it for those who haven't watched it yet, so I'll just say I am thrilled that the person who got eliminated was eliminated because she got on my fucking nerves. What a beeyotch.
Also, going from my least favourite to my favourite...
After Katarzyna's makeover, I thought she looked a lot like Cassandra from Cycle 5. It doesn't look like it in this picture, but perhaps if you squint it may.

Cassandra was my fave from Cycle 5 (Nicole being a very close second) because of her sociopath comment.
Oh, and why the hell can't Tyra pronounce her name right? It's not that hard! It's kah-ter-JZIH-nuh, not kuh-TAR-jin-UH. You would think she would practice or a producer could correct her or something. Come on, Paulina! You should be able to help her out!
I bought some knitting needles, yarn, crochet needles, and tapestry needles. For my first official knitting project, I used some super bulky yarn because I lack patience. I underestimated the size of the yarn and spent three hours knitting before I realized my scarf was going to be way too wide, and I would have to buy five more balls of yarn to finish it.

So I unraveled that and started over. This time I casted on a third of what I originally did. After watching every episode that's online for the current season of the Office, I finished my scarf! Probably for numerous reasons, the scarf curls, and so it looks a lot skinnier than it is. I also used up my entire skein of yarn and didn't feel like buying more, which is why it's as short as it is. I asked my bear Porkchop to model for me.

I think I did a good job for my first actual knitting project. Knitting takes too long for big things, so I need to find a smaller project for my next one. I have this really soft microfiber sports yarn. I bought it in every colour of the gay rainbow (as opposed to the regular rainbow, which includes indigo). I don't know if I'm going to knit rainbow stuff or knit something in each colour or maybe both if I have enough. We'll see.
I love ANTM! I tivo'd it so I'm now going to watch last night epi.
p.s. I love to crotchet, maybe I'll try knitting as well! You've inspired me...
I all sorts of love that you took up knitting. Seriously. And the colors in that scarf are freakin' FABULOUS!!!
Nice scarf! U should do bicolor ones too.. really stylish.
I love antm. except for Miss Jay. Cant stand him/her. Too snobby.
Is ANTM America's Next Top Model? I'm so ignorant...
But I second deutlich's comment
Ashlie, cool beans! I'm going to try crotcheting since I don't seem to have enough patience for knitting, though it is fun. :o)
Deut, thanks!
Alya, thank you. I'm going to try to do a mix of colours, though I don't know if I'll be doing another scarf. Knitting takes so freakin long! Gah!
Pix, yeah it's America's Next Top Model. See? You're not ignorant. :oD And thanks!
Very cute!!! It curls because of the type of knitting you did. I only know this because mine did the same thing. I really like the color choice!
Dolce, thanks! Good to know. :o) I tried to knit two purl two, but um...switching between the two don't seem to work. I don't think the method I learned works very well. So I just knit a row and purled a row. :o)
I had no clue the gay rainbow was different than the regular rainbow!
Well, the GLBT I think mainly uses rainbows of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, but sometimes it varies. Like I have a necklace that has pink instead of purple.
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