26 by 26
- Pay off my amex card.
- Go to Europe.
- Donate hair to Locks of Love.
- Learn to knit.
- Open an account on etsy and sell shit.
- Complete ASL VI.
- Be able to cue a song.
- Watch 100 new movies. (0/100)
- Get tattoo for 25th birthday.
- Watch a signed performance.
- Make a new website layout.
- Take at least one day trip to NYC.
- Do at least five new things in DC. (0/5)
- Make a Halloween costume.
- Cook at least one dish from the vegan cookbook.
- Go to the dentist.
- Read ten new books. (0/10)
- Delete unnecessary e-mail accounts and website.
- Make a donation to Animal Welfare Institute.
- Go to at least three ASL meetups. (0/3)
- Open up a savings account or enroll in 401K.
- Edit together a music video.
- Get rid of pile of unneeded/unwanted stuff.
- Learn Tai Chi.
- Exercise a minimum of 20 minutes at least 100 days. (0/100)
- Have a fun year!
So after posting my last entry and then playing a few moves in Scrabulous, I picked up "The Knit-It Kit" (it says on the box that it's for kids, but when you don't know anything about something, how different are you from a kid), which I had purchased in the bargain section of Borders yesterday and learned to cast on stitches last night. Well, in just minutes, I learned to knit and purl. Granted all I can knit is a square (oh, but I could knit a GIANT SQUARE! Doesn't that sound more impressive?), but I still learned how to knit, and I did it on my own, so I am especially proud of myself. I need to go buy some bigger knitting needles (even my tiny hands can't take the tiny needles that came with the kit) and freakishly thick yarn (well, I don't have all day to knit with floss!).
Cille, the woman on the plane to San Fran who convinced me I should move to Santa Fe, told me how she crochets because it's much faster and easier than knitting. I'm sure it is, and I'm sure I'd like it more, but one reason I wanted to learn how to knit is because I love how it looks when a person knits, you know, seeing those two big ass chopsticks wiggling back and forth and somehow producing a sweater from a ball of yarn. I also like watching people write with long pencils. When I was first learning to write, I didn't understand why my pencil didn't wiggle as much, so I purposefully added some wiggle to my writing.
I just realized how Freudian that sounded, so I'm gonna add that I also like watching people chew their food. Maybe that's Freudian, too, but at least in a different way, yes?
hey that's a great start! and a good idea for a list! keep on keepin' on...and you'll get there!
Yeah for crossing off an item on your list!!!
that's a good list of stuff!
Crocheting is easier, but I think you can do way better stuff with knitting. That's awesome that you already got the basics down!
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