It has been a week since I have been back from San Francisco. I was there from Wednesday, Jan. 23, through Monday, Jan. 28. I have been working everyday since Tuesday, Jan 29. I'm exhausted. I needed a vacation after my vacation.
Steph and I did a shitload of walking, and a lot of that was walking in the rain, sometimes very windy rain, sometimes there were big puddles.
San Francisco!
Ok, so I actually had a whole entry written out that went through the whole trip day by day, but then I thought, "Zzzz." I thought I was being concise, and I was, but it wasn't worth reading. I might as well have told you how many steps I took or which cable cars we hopped on. By the way, I know more about San Francisco now than I do DC ("Oh, yeah, you just take the 30 bus down to Union Square..." "What the fuck do you mean downtown? What part of DC is DOWNTOWN??"). How sad is that? So in more of a nutshell: I'm obsessed with Alcatraz now, people are more rude in San Francisco than NYC and DC if you take public transportation but they are so freaking cool in the Castro and other places, our hostel was surrounded by girlie shows and XXX shops, if you buy rainboots it will stop raining, a woman named Cille on the plane to SF convinced me I need to move to Santa Fe (oh, I just realized Santa Fe is also "SF"), you will always spend more money than you plan to, I am salt and my boyfriend is pepper (Alcatraz S&P shakers have turned into His&Hers novelty items for us), and a guy named Martin at the hostel told me a drug story about a guy who was all excited about catching a gnome under a laundry basket or something and it turned out he had captured a child with down syndrome (why did I include this in my entry? Because when asked I said I would pass on the story of the down syndrome sounds better when he tells it...doesn't everything sound better when told with a European accent?).
Wow, my new entry wasn't as...accurate as the other entry I had made, but I sacrifice detail for extreme conciseness (is that a word?).
I want to watch
So I Married An Axe Murderer again because I think watching it now after having been to San Francisco will be interesting. I love that movie. I kept talking about it when we were there.
Operation: Move West
So now I am all about moving to Santa Fe. Of course I still need to see it before I decide for sure because I may get there and be disappointed. I told P² that we're taking a trip there to check it out. He didn't say no or seem apprehensive, so for him that's almost like saying, "Cool beans!" I told my mom about how I might move to Santa Fe, and she was all excited about it saying she'll have a reason to visit the west because apparently she's never been out west. I asked one of my best friends if she'd move to New Mexico with me, and she was all, "Sure, maybe, why not? I have family there." Exxxxxcellent.
When I got back from my trip, I had over 400 entries in my Google reader. I finally went through all of them yesterday (ok, not really. I skipped over most of it. I'm a slow reader with a short attention span, but I did read some). I'm glad I took that trip. I needed to step away from the computer. I have these spurts of obsession (obsession with anything...tasks, people, games, books, music, etc.). Luckily they don't last very long, but I just have one of those personalities where I really get into things. I may not be consistent, but...yeah, I have no real "but" to that thought. I'm not consistent. Period.
Picture Time!
Now for some pictures I took in California. I took over 600 photos (2GB memory cards can go a long way). I posted 120 of them on facebook. Here I'll limit it to twelve, and I'm only posting ones I didn't post on facebook, so these are certainly not the cream of the crop. Mm...cream...

Pipes, bowls, and bongs are art.

How to escape from Alcatraz.

My feet were soaked from the rain. This is me attempting to dry them, but the dryer was freezing, and apparently when you're miserable from having wet shoes and socks, it's hard to maintain balance.

One of the many plants at the Conservatory of Flowers at Golden Gate Park.

A store in Haight Ashbury.

"The Crookedest Street" in the world (...not). If I could live anywhere in San Francisco, I'd want to live in the blue house on this street.

San Fran has too many hills. I had to sit down. These are the rainboots I bought right before it stopped raining.

Dog! This was at the beach my online friend Tara and her husband took us to see the Pacific Ocean.


Our first night at the hostel, someone had to duct tape our window shut.

Can you spot the famous parrots of Telegraph Hill?

My last meal in SF in Chinatown.