All the gross wetness that is my purse.
I was an hour late to Job #2, but they don't have set times most of the time, so I wasn't really late, and it wasn't a big deal, so I took my sweet ass time and stopped by the dry cleaners and bakery near my house. I had been meaning to get my faux fur coat dry cleaned since last winter when a soda fizzed all over it. I brought along two other coats, and they told me all three would be $35. Um...I thought it was going to be more like $5. I left with my coats and went to the bakery that had a proud sign in the window letting everyone know you can purchase bubble tea there, which I did.
The place had the look and feel that they maybe get one customer a day. I wanted almond bubble tea, but they were out of almond. Would I like hazelnut instead? Um. Alright. Sounds good. She took forever making it, and during that enormous amount of time, I decided on getting a pastry as well. A lemon pastry. It looked fluffy, buttery, and delicious. When I finally left, I sipped the tea on my way out. There isn't a word for it. I'll make one up. Narsty*. Not just nasty. It was yech. So incredibly yech, it was narsty. Still, I don't like wasting stuff, and I thought maybe it would taste better if I kept drinking. I drank some more. Nope. Still narsty. I got in my car and bit into my lemon pastry. It was not fluffy, buttery goodness. It was crumby. Crummy. Crumbly. It was not good. It wasn't soft or yummy. It seemed like it was stale and about ready to turn into a pile of sugar and spread over the interior of my car and find its way into my lungs.
*[EDIT] I googled "narsty", and apparently I didn't make it up. How was I supposed to know? I don't have cable. This could almost be filed alongside other things I thought I invented (like the middle finger and the word "kiwi"), but this one I'll admit probably made it's way into my subconscious, and it wasn't that creative to begin with.

Nasty hazelnutsack bubble tea

Lemon pastry of death
The hazelbutt taste/smell/essence stayed with me the rest of the day. All through Job #2 I kept thinking how I wanted to go to sleep, and I figured 5:00 PM is an ok bedtime when you usually wake up at 3:00 AM. But the narsty hazel taste was bothering me too much. My mom had made these Korean dumplings (mandu) and asked if I was going to come home and get them. I told her, no, I'm going to sleep. She sent the brother to my house to deliver the mandu. I complied and stayed up because I hadn't really eaten anything all day, and I thought perhaps the strong taste/smell of Korean food would exorcize the hazelnut demons out of my life.
It sort of has but not enough. The taste of evil is overpowering. Nothing can defeat it except time.
Meanwhile, here are a few more pictures.

Fun with Macro: at Home

Fun with Macro: at Work

Car on fire...don't you love accidental cool shots?

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